We ask a lot of our elbows. These complex joints formed where the humerus, radius, and ulna bones meet links the shoulder, arm, and hand, allowing us the flexibility to perform a whole range of tasks that involve bending and straightening the arms to help us move and lift things. With all of these repetitive motions, it’s no wonder our elbow joints can become overworked.
If you’re experiencing pain in the area around the outside of the elbow, it may be what’s technically known as lateral epicondylitis, and more commonly called tennis elbow. If so, physical therapy can help, and no one is better trained and equipped to provide relief and healing than The Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Center. With our attentive, fully licensed therapist and state-of-the-art facility, we offer a level of expertise and care that lifts us to the top of our field. We help our patients unlock the natural healing power of their bodies, avoiding surgery and pain medications.
Only a small percentage of those who develop lateral epicondylitis have ever picked up a tennis racquet. This condition can arise from common repetitive movements that place stress on the muscles and tendons of the elbow and forearm. Painting, carpentry, mechanical work, and plumbing are among the activities that can lead to developing this condition.
Working with your doctor, our physical therapist performs an assessment to determine the cause of your discomfort and to devise a customized treatment plan. This begins with relieving your pain, graduates to gentle stretching, and moves on to strengthening exercises to ensure that each muscle and joint is doing its part. You’ll be guided every step of the way, and be given the tools you need to prevent a recurrence.
If you’re experiencing pain associated with tennis elbow, physical therapy at The Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Center will get you back in the swing of things — on the court, on the job, and in the many day-to-day tasks you perform. Please contact us today for an evaluation.