Jogging and running are among the popular activities across the country and worldwide. Tens of millions of us hit the roads and trails in the U.S. every year, with the numbers growing steadily. The activity can boost your health and fitness, relieve stress and build camaraderie. Unfortunately the popular pastime can also dole out wear and tear on the muscles, ligaments and tendons. Fortunately, the physical therapist at The Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Center can reduce the pain this activity can trigger, and work with you to improve the balance and form that will lead to many more pleasurable miles.
Among the most common complaints our physical therapist treats among this group of athletes are runner’s knee, when the cartilage underneath the kneecap becomes irritated; plantar fasciitis, when the tendons connecting the heel to the ball of the foot become inflamed; irritation to the Achilles tendon that attaches the calf to the heel; and shin splints, which affect the muscles attached to the tibia, or shinbone.
Working with our patients and their healthcare providers, we perform a comprehensive evaluation of the fitness level and overall health of each individual, including how often and how far they run, type of terrain, footwear, and assess their gait. After reducing the inflammation, we devise a treatment plan that determines which muscles and joints may be over- or underused during activity, and then seek to bring those elements into balance so that the runner’s weight is being correctly distributed at all times. We customized each patient’s stretching and strengthening routine to address their specific needs, and plan a strategy for comfortably returning to your favorite activity.
Our physical therapist at The Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Center understands that running is more than exercise — For many people it’s a way of life. Our goal is to get you back on the road or trail, and we’ll be with you every step of the way! Please contact us to schedule an evaluation.