Joint pain can strike anytime and anywhere, even while you’re sitting in a comfy chair or lying in bed. Many people can’t figure out what’s causing their discomfort. The triggers of aching joints can be a mystery to some folks but not to physical therapists. Many of their patients seek relief from this very condition.
No matter what your rehabilitation needs are, the team of professionals at The Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Center is committed to working with you to develop a customized treatment plan that focuses on improving your ability to perform the activities of normal living. We’re a partner you can trust.
The next time you have joint pain, think about these possible factors.
You’re doing it wrong. Use big muscles for heavy tasks. Instead of pushing open a weighty door with your poor little fingers, use one of your shoulders. When picking a big box up from the floor, squat to your knees, straighten your back and stand using your mighty leg muscles rather than your arms.
You snooze and lose. Sleeping on your sides and back is preferable to your stomach. Slumbering on your tummy pushes your head back, compresses your spine and strains your neck when it faces in one direction for extended periods.
Your heft is a hindrance. If you’re plump, lose weight. Your joints link your bones to each other and don’t appreciate heavy loads. The additional bulk stresses your feet, hips and back. Meanwhile, every pound on your frame puts 4 pounds of pressure on your knees.
You slump. Embrace good posture. Whether you’re standing or sitting, keep your back straight and your shoulders back and down. Hunching and twisting force your joints and muscles into awkward positions, which exhaust and aggravate them. Slouching is especially bad for your back and hips.
Your shoes aren’t shoo-ins. The metatarsal bones in your feet prefer heels that don’t exceed 2 inches. And stilettos? All of your body weight rests on only two tiny areas of your foot. (But they’re great if you want to risk twisting an ankle or two.) Your feet, hips, back, knees and ankles love (and need!) strong support, which flimsy footwear doesn’t provide. Athletes must sport footwear that best suits their activities that require jumping, pivoting, sprints and long runs. And all sneakers aren’t alike. Choose the types that best suit your activities.
The Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Center provides premier skilled and compassionate rehabilitative care. We keep our environment peaceful and soothing, and your emotional and physical comfort are at the top of our list. For more information about our many services, please call us today.