Everyone suffers from angst at one time or another. Some forms are the result of temporary situations, such as when a person who’s terrified of flying is about to board a plane. When other forms are constant and extreme with no obvious catalysts, you may have an anxiety disorder that interferes with your daily life.
If you’re experiencing issues that are consistent with an anxiety disorder, please seek help from the office of The Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Center. We’re experts at helping people manage all types of psychological issues. We offer hope, compassion and empathy, and we are fully trained in how to help you decipher and deal with your feelings. We’re not here to judge you; we’re here to help.
There are many types of anxiety disorders. These four are among the most common.
Panic: You’re struck with constant and unpredictable panic attacks that last usually no more than 20 minutes. Symptoms include shaking, perspiring, chest pain, dizziness, shortness of breath, feeling detached from reality and a sense of looming doom.
Post-traumatic stress (PTSD): The term is applied to survivors of past trauma. The condition can haunt people for many years following the incident, especially when not addressed. PTSD symptoms can start within three months afterward or even up to years and decades. Indicators of PTSD include insomnia, tension, scary thoughts, flashbacks, bad dreams and inexplicable anger.
Social: It’s the dread of being criticized, humiliated or embarrassed in a public backdrop, such as a party, work or school. You may feel highly uncomfortable having conversations with people and/or being in a group situation. You may even avoid people like the plague.
Separation: It usually crops up in kids in the forms of fear, panic and worry when they’re separated from a parent or other loved one. Adults are also susceptible. They can become consumed with worry and fear that something bad will come to a loved one—frequently a child. Separation anxiety happens to adults of any ages after they have lost one or both parents.
At the office of The Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Center, all of our patients are treated with the utmost compassion and conviction. We are extremely experienced with all types of mental and emotional issues. Please let us help you. Take that first step by calling us today.